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Bringing fat to better place

There are several ways to improve the shape of breast. Implants are quite expensive, just like other suggestions provided by modern plastiikkakirurgia. Fat transfer is the most efficient and uninvasive method. With enlargement of chest it provides reducing of volume in problematic areas of body.

Main esthetic problems of breast

Shape and size of breast is problem of current interest for lots of women around the world. Particular properties of ageing, weight loss, pregnancy and breast feeding can have pitiable consequences. Besides, most of women are not satisfied by their breasts. This type of dissatisfaction causes uncertainty and problems with self-rating. In this case rintojen suurennus will help.

Implants and uplifts are methods, yet popular, but not suitable for everyone. Those, who prefer to stay away from serious surgery and artificial implants can highly estimate possibilities of fat transportation. Withal enlarging of breasts followers of procedure can get rid of fat from stubborn areas of the body. The procedure helps to shape areas which stay the same even with diets and physical exercises.

Using fat transportation is a slight and natural way to enlarge unsatisfying breasts. Fresh and personal tissues can bring no harm to the organism. Above that fat cells do have a memory which provides accumulation of new cells in certain area.

Description of fat transfer procedure

The procedure consists of three stages. At first stage surgeon gather"s the fat from areas chosen by patient with thinnest instrument. It calls rasvaimu. Gathering is usually performed under local anesthetic and don"t require hospital stay.

The extracted tissue goes to the laboratory and passes the process of careful filtering. This is the second stage that helps to improve the quality of tissue and activate stem cells.

Next step is final. Fresh fat is being placed in breasts to create a volume and shape. Final procedure is provided under local anesthetics too. Unlike traditional implanting fat transportation leaves no scars or signs. Patient can return to a normal way of life after 24 hours. However it"s highly recommended to refrain from visiting gym or having other physical exercises for at least two weeks.


As a result patient will obtain bigger natural looking bust. Without using implants in the end breast will soft, full and healthy. Above that the new weight will be first accumulated in the breast because of the memory of fat cells.

Опубликовано: 09.07.2015
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